CFIUS Conference 2022 – updates on case review principles
In June 2022, the Committee of Foreign Investments in the United States (“CFIUS”) hosted their first ever conference for practitioners, many important notices were addressed at the conference.
To adapt to the ever-evolving national security landscape, CFIUS suggested that it would be smart for investors to be prepared for mitigation and expect any future re-negotiation of mitigation measures. To prepare for a CFIUS review, filing a shortened declaration instead of a full Joint Voluntary Notice (“JVN”) can be beneficial at times, however for investors from countries of concern, or when the petition involves other complex issues, a JVN would be expected.
With respect to data security, cases involving sensitive personal data (“SPD”) should be analyzed not only for its current access to SPD, but also for how these data collecting practices would change in the future. Genetic and Medical data are now concerned as “high risk”. CFIUS stated that they will continue to share investment screening data with allies of the United States, and work with them on collecting intelligence on foreign acquirers.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act on March 8th, 2022 funded 12 staff positions in the “Industry and Analysis” unit of the Commerce department’s International Trade Administration, The CFIUS review would become more in-depth around the protection of American technology, and investors should expect increasing mitigation orders, and more post-review questions.
其次,数据安全方面,涉及敏感个人数据("SPD")的案件,审查不仅包括其目前对SPD的访问情况,也需涵盖未来数据收集方式可能发生的变化。其中基因和医疗数据现在被视为 "高风险"。CFIUS表示,他们将继续与众多盟友国分享投资相关数据,并与他们合作收集有关外国投资者的情报。
最后,2022年3月8日的《综合拨款法案》为商务部国际贸易管理局的 "行业和分析 "部门提供了12个职位,CFIUS的审查将围绕防止技术外泄变得更加深入严谨,投资者预计会面临更多的缓解令,以及审查完结之后来自相关部门的后续跟进。
CFIUS Conference 2022 – updates on case review principles
In June 2022, the Committee of Foreign Investments in the United States (“CFIUS”) hosted their first ever conference for practitioners, many important notices were addressed at the conference.
To adapt to the ever-evolving national security landscape, CFIUS suggested that it would be smart for investors to be prepared for mitigation and expect any future re-negotiation of mitigation measures. To prepare for a CFIUS review, filing a shortened declaration instead of a full Joint Voluntary Notice (“JVN”) can be beneficial at times, however for investors from countries of concern, or when the petition involves other complex issues, a JVN would be expected.
With respect to data security, cases involving sensitive personal data (“SPD”) should be analyzed not only for its current access to SPD, but also for how these data collecting practices would change in the future. Genetic and Medical data are now concerned as “high risk”. CFIUS stated that they will continue to share investment screening data with allies of the United States, and work with them on collecting intelligence on foreign acquirers.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act on March 8th, 2022 funded 12 staff positions in the “Industry and Analysis” unit of the Commerce department’s International Trade Administration, The CFIUS review would become more in-depth around the protection of American technology, and investors should expect increasing mitigation orders, and more post-review questions.
其次,数据安全方面,涉及敏感个人数据("SPD")的案件,审查不仅包括其目前对SPD的访问情况,也需涵盖未来数据收集方式可能发生的变化。其中基因和医疗数据现在被视为 "高风险"。CFIUS表示,他们将继续与众多盟友国分享投资相关数据,并与他们合作收集有关外国投资者的情报。
最后,2022年3月8日的《综合拨款法案》为商务部国际贸易管理局的 "行业和分析 "部门提供了12个职位,CFIUS的审查将围绕防止技术外泄变得更加深入严谨,投资者预计会面临更多的缓解令,以及审查完结之后来自相关部门的后续跟进。
CFIUS Conference 2022 – updates on case review principles
In June 2022, the Committee of Foreign Investments in the United States (“CFIUS”) hosted their first ever conference for practitioners, many important notices were addressed at the conference.
To adapt to the ever-evolving national security landscape, CFIUS suggested that it would be smart for investors to be prepared for mitigation and expect any future re-negotiation of mitigation measures. To prepare for a CFIUS review, filing a shortened declaration instead of a full Joint Voluntary Notice (“JVN”) can be beneficial at times, however for investors from countries of concern, or when the petition involves other complex issues, a JVN would be expected.
With respect to data security, cases involving sensitive personal data (“SPD”) should be analyzed not only for its current access to SPD, but also for how these data collecting practices would change in the future. Genetic and Medical data are now concerned as “high risk”. CFIUS stated that they will continue to share investment screening data with allies of the United States, and work with them on collecting intelligence on foreign acquirers.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act on March 8th, 2022 funded 12 staff positions in the “Industry and Analysis” unit of the Commerce department’s International Trade Administration, The CFIUS review would become more in-depth around the protection of American technology, and investors should expect increasing mitigation orders, and more post-review questions.
其次,数据安全方面,涉及敏感个人数据("SPD")的案件,审查不仅包括其目前对SPD的访问情况,也需涵盖未来数据收集方式可能发生的变化。其中基因和医疗数据现在被视为 "高风险"。CFIUS表示,他们将继续与众多盟友国分享投资相关数据,并与他们合作收集有关外国投资者的情报。
最后,2022年3月8日的《综合拨款法案》为商务部国际贸易管理局的 "行业和分析 "部门提供了12个职位,CFIUS的审查将围绕防止技术外泄变得更加深入严谨,投资者预计会面临更多的缓解令,以及审查完结之后来自相关部门的后续跟进。
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All information displayed on this website is informational and shall not be deemed as legal advice. If you are currently dealing with a legal situation, you are invited to contact us through email or by phone. Until an attorney-client relationship has been established, we urge that you avoid sharing any confidential information.

In Affiliation with Beijing DeHeng Law Offices
©2024 by DeHeng Chen LLC.
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All information displayed on this website is informational and shall not be deemed as legal advice. If you are currently dealing with a legal situation, you are invited to contact us through email or by phone. Until an attorney-client relationship has been established, we urge that you avoid sharing any confidential information.

In Affiliation with Beijing DeHeng Law Offices
©2024 by DeHeng Chen LLC.