October 18th, 2022
October 18th, 2022
October 18th, 2022
Department of Defense updated its Section 1260H list

Department of Defense updated its Section 1260H list
On October 5, 2022, U.S. Department of Defense releases a new list of People's Republic of China (PRC) Military Companies – as required under Section 1260H of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (NDAA 2021). The first list was released last year in June, 2021. The Department of Defense is required, under Section 1260H(b)(1) of NDAA 2021, to annually report “Chinese military company” until December 31, 2030.
Although the text of the statute imposes an obligation to report annually, the Secretary of Defense is of the authority to decide additions or deletions to the list. The definitions provided in Section 1260H are broad and vague. The text of that statute does not exclude the possibility that any private Chinese company be labelled as “Chinese Military Company.” Indeed, Section 1260H(d)(1) to (3) of NDAA defines “Chinese military company” and “Military-civil fusion contributor” (MCFC) loosely. The definition of MCFC contains an all-encompassing definition under which an entity can be a “MCFC” whenever “the Secretary determines … appropriate.”
However, no trade restriction measures or any other forms of sanctions are stated in the list this time. Indeed, Section 1260H of NDAA only labels these companies as “CMC” without stating what sanctions or limitations to follow -- a scenario that is different from NS-CMIC list produced by the Biden administration and Section 1237 list produced by the Trump administration.
尽管NDAA 2021法律条文赋予美国防部每年公布名单的义务,但是具体某一企业进入或脱离名单由美国防部决定。并且,2021国防预算法案中所规定的判断一家企业是否属于“中国军方企业”和“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义宽松。不能排除任何一家与军方并无关联的民营企业被美方划入该名单的可能。具体来说,第1260H条d款1项至3项提供了对于“中国军方企业”和“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义。其中,“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义中包含一兜底条款第1260H条d款2项H节:“其他任何由国防部部长决定符合的情形。”
Department of Defense updated its Section 1260H list
On October 5, 2022, U.S. Department of Defense releases a new list of People's Republic of China (PRC) Military Companies – as required under Section 1260H of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (NDAA 2021). The first list was released last year in June, 2021. The Department of Defense is required, under Section 1260H(b)(1) of NDAA 2021, to annually report “Chinese military company” until December 31, 2030.
Although the text of the statute imposes an obligation to report annually, the Secretary of Defense is of the authority to decide additions or deletions to the list. The definitions provided in Section 1260H are broad and vague. The text of that statute does not exclude the possibility that any private Chinese company be labelled as “Chinese Military Company.” Indeed, Section 1260H(d)(1) to (3) of NDAA defines “Chinese military company” and “Military-civil fusion contributor” (MCFC) loosely. The definition of MCFC contains an all-encompassing definition under which an entity can be a “MCFC” whenever “the Secretary determines … appropriate.”
However, no trade restriction measures or any other forms of sanctions are stated in the list this time. Indeed, Section 1260H of NDAA only labels these companies as “CMC” without stating what sanctions or limitations to follow -- a scenario that is different from NS-CMIC list produced by the Biden administration and Section 1237 list produced by the Trump administration.
尽管NDAA 2021法律条文赋予美国防部每年公布名单的义务,但是具体某一企业进入或脱离名单由美国防部决定。并且,2021国防预算法案中所规定的判断一家企业是否属于“中国军方企业”和“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义宽松。不能排除任何一家与军方并无关联的民营企业被美方划入该名单的可能。具体来说,第1260H条d款1项至3项提供了对于“中国军方企业”和“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义。其中,“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义中包含一兜底条款第1260H条d款2项H节:“其他任何由国防部部长决定符合的情形。”
Department of Defense updated its Section 1260H list
On October 5, 2022, U.S. Department of Defense releases a new list of People's Republic of China (PRC) Military Companies – as required under Section 1260H of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (NDAA 2021). The first list was released last year in June, 2021. The Department of Defense is required, under Section 1260H(b)(1) of NDAA 2021, to annually report “Chinese military company” until December 31, 2030.
Although the text of the statute imposes an obligation to report annually, the Secretary of Defense is of the authority to decide additions or deletions to the list. The definitions provided in Section 1260H are broad and vague. The text of that statute does not exclude the possibility that any private Chinese company be labelled as “Chinese Military Company.” Indeed, Section 1260H(d)(1) to (3) of NDAA defines “Chinese military company” and “Military-civil fusion contributor” (MCFC) loosely. The definition of MCFC contains an all-encompassing definition under which an entity can be a “MCFC” whenever “the Secretary determines … appropriate.”
However, no trade restriction measures or any other forms of sanctions are stated in the list this time. Indeed, Section 1260H of NDAA only labels these companies as “CMC” without stating what sanctions or limitations to follow -- a scenario that is different from NS-CMIC list produced by the Biden administration and Section 1237 list produced by the Trump administration.
尽管NDAA 2021法律条文赋予美国防部每年公布名单的义务,但是具体某一企业进入或脱离名单由美国防部决定。并且,2021国防预算法案中所规定的判断一家企业是否属于“中国军方企业”和“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义宽松。不能排除任何一家与军方并无关联的民营企业被美方划入该名单的可能。具体来说,第1260H条d款1项至3项提供了对于“中国军方企业”和“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义。其中,“军民融合的贡献企业”的定义中包含一兜底条款第1260H条d款2项H节:“其他任何由国防部部长决定符合的情形。”
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