August 1st, 2019
August 1st, 2019
August 1st, 2019
USPTO Announces New Trademark Rule Requiring Foreign-Domiciled Applicants and Registrants to Have a U.S.-Licensed Attorney

Jining He 何冀宁
August 01, 2019
On July 2, 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced a new rule requiring all foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants, and parties to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board proceedings to be represented by an attorney who is licensed to practice law in the United States. The requirement applies to all trademark applicants, registrants, and parties whose permanent legal residence or principal place of business is outside the United States. This new trademark rule has an effective date of August 3, 2019.
The USPTO said the new rules were aimed at cracking down on fraudulent trademark registration applications and improving the quality of submissions to the USPTO. Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO Andrei Iancu said, “Businesses rely on the U.S. trademark register to make important legal decisions about their brands. In order to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the register, for the benefit of all its users, the USPTO must have the appropriate tools to enforce compliance by all applicants and registrants. This rule is a significant step in combatting fraudulent submissions.” “Many other countries worldwide have had this requirement for decades,” said USPTO Commissioner for Trademarks Mary Boney Denison. “We believe that this new rule will help improve the quality of submissions to the USPTO.”
Additionally, U.S.-licensed attorneys representing anyone before the USPTO in trademark matters are required to confirm they are an active member in good standing of their bar and to provide their bar membership information. The unauthorized practice of trademark law before the USPTO is a serious matter and we will take appropriate actions if unauthorized practice is occurring. These actions may include: Rejecting application submissions that were improperly signed or authorized; Excluding individuals and entities from acting as an attorney, correspondent, signatory, or domestic representative in all trademark matters before the USPTO. Employing any individual who is not authorized to practice before the USPTO to represent you in connection with your trademark application may: delay and prolong the trademark application examination process; lead to the abandonment of your application; jeopardize the validity of any resulting registration.
Therefore, all foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants should be represented by an attorney who is licensed to practice law in the United States about trademark practice before the USPTO in order to obtain professional legal advice, avoid falling into the application trap, increase the possibility of registration, and better exercise the trademark right.
USPTO表示,新规定出台的目的是为了打击欺诈性商标申请,提高向USPTO提交文件的质量。USPTO局长安德烈·伊安库表示,“许多企业主要根据美国商标注册信息对自身品牌作出重要决定。为了保持注册的准确性和完整性以及保证所有用户的利益,USPTO必须制定适当的规定使所有申请人和注册人符合相关要求。新规定象征着我们在打击恶意提交商标申请的道路上迈出了至关重要的一步。” USPTO商标专员玛丽·博尼·丹尼森说:“几十年来,全球许多其他国家都有这样的要求。我们相信,这项新规定将有助于提高提交给USPTO的文件的质量。”
Jining He 何冀宁
August 01, 2019
On July 2, 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced a new rule requiring all foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants, and parties to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board proceedings to be represented by an attorney who is licensed to practice law in the United States. The requirement applies to all trademark applicants, registrants, and parties whose permanent legal residence or principal place of business is outside the United States. This new trademark rule has an effective date of August 3, 2019.
The USPTO said the new rules were aimed at cracking down on fraudulent trademark registration applications and improving the quality of submissions to the USPTO. Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO Andrei Iancu said, “Businesses rely on the U.S. trademark register to make important legal decisions about their brands. In order to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the register, for the benefit of all its users, the USPTO must have the appropriate tools to enforce compliance by all applicants and registrants. This rule is a significant step in combatting fraudulent submissions.” “Many other countries worldwide have had this requirement for decades,” said USPTO Commissioner for Trademarks Mary Boney Denison. “We believe that this new rule will help improve the quality of submissions to the USPTO.”
Additionally, U.S.-licensed attorneys representing anyone before the USPTO in trademark matters are required to confirm they are an active member in good standing of their bar and to provide their bar membership information. The unauthorized practice of trademark law before the USPTO is a serious matter and we will take appropriate actions if unauthorized practice is occurring. These actions may include: Rejecting application submissions that were improperly signed or authorized; Excluding individuals and entities from acting as an attorney, correspondent, signatory, or domestic representative in all trademark matters before the USPTO. Employing any individual who is not authorized to practice before the USPTO to represent you in connection with your trademark application may: delay and prolong the trademark application examination process; lead to the abandonment of your application; jeopardize the validity of any resulting registration.
Therefore, all foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants should be represented by an attorney who is licensed to practice law in the United States about trademark practice before the USPTO in order to obtain professional legal advice, avoid falling into the application trap, increase the possibility of registration, and better exercise the trademark right.
USPTO表示,新规定出台的目的是为了打击欺诈性商标申请,提高向USPTO提交文件的质量。USPTO局长安德烈·伊安库表示,“许多企业主要根据美国商标注册信息对自身品牌作出重要决定。为了保持注册的准确性和完整性以及保证所有用户的利益,USPTO必须制定适当的规定使所有申请人和注册人符合相关要求。新规定象征着我们在打击恶意提交商标申请的道路上迈出了至关重要的一步。” USPTO商标专员玛丽·博尼·丹尼森说:“几十年来,全球许多其他国家都有这样的要求。我们相信,这项新规定将有助于提高提交给USPTO的文件的质量。”
Jining He 何冀宁
August 01, 2019
On July 2, 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced a new rule requiring all foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants, and parties to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board proceedings to be represented by an attorney who is licensed to practice law in the United States. The requirement applies to all trademark applicants, registrants, and parties whose permanent legal residence or principal place of business is outside the United States. This new trademark rule has an effective date of August 3, 2019.
The USPTO said the new rules were aimed at cracking down on fraudulent trademark registration applications and improving the quality of submissions to the USPTO. Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO Andrei Iancu said, “Businesses rely on the U.S. trademark register to make important legal decisions about their brands. In order to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the register, for the benefit of all its users, the USPTO must have the appropriate tools to enforce compliance by all applicants and registrants. This rule is a significant step in combatting fraudulent submissions.” “Many other countries worldwide have had this requirement for decades,” said USPTO Commissioner for Trademarks Mary Boney Denison. “We believe that this new rule will help improve the quality of submissions to the USPTO.”
Additionally, U.S.-licensed attorneys representing anyone before the USPTO in trademark matters are required to confirm they are an active member in good standing of their bar and to provide their bar membership information. The unauthorized practice of trademark law before the USPTO is a serious matter and we will take appropriate actions if unauthorized practice is occurring. These actions may include: Rejecting application submissions that were improperly signed or authorized; Excluding individuals and entities from acting as an attorney, correspondent, signatory, or domestic representative in all trademark matters before the USPTO. Employing any individual who is not authorized to practice before the USPTO to represent you in connection with your trademark application may: delay and prolong the trademark application examination process; lead to the abandonment of your application; jeopardize the validity of any resulting registration.
Therefore, all foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants should be represented by an attorney who is licensed to practice law in the United States about trademark practice before the USPTO in order to obtain professional legal advice, avoid falling into the application trap, increase the possibility of registration, and better exercise the trademark right.
USPTO表示,新规定出台的目的是为了打击欺诈性商标申请,提高向USPTO提交文件的质量。USPTO局长安德烈·伊安库表示,“许多企业主要根据美国商标注册信息对自身品牌作出重要决定。为了保持注册的准确性和完整性以及保证所有用户的利益,USPTO必须制定适当的规定使所有申请人和注册人符合相关要求。新规定象征着我们在打击恶意提交商标申请的道路上迈出了至关重要的一步。” USPTO商标专员玛丽·博尼·丹尼森说:“几十年来,全球许多其他国家都有这样的要求。我们相信,这项新规定将有助于提高提交给USPTO的文件的质量。”
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©2024 by DeHeng Chen LLC.